Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii theory for a spin-1 Bose gas: Application to superfluidity in two dimensions
Andrew P. C. Underwood and P. B. Blakie, arXiv
Velocity correlations of vortices and rarefaction pulses in compressible planar quantum fluids
Ashton S. Bradley, Nils A. Krause, arXiv
Observation of Jones-Roberts solitons in a paraxial quantum fluid of light
Myrann Baker-Rasooli, Tangui Aladjidi, Nils A.Krause, Ashton S. Bradley, Quentin Glorieux, arXiv
Supersolid spectroscopy
L. M. Platt, D. Baillie, P. B. Blakie, arXiv
Regimes of Steady-State Turbulence in a Quantum Fluid
Tommy Z. Fischer and Ashton S. Bradley, Physical Review A 111, 023308 (2025) (Editor's Suggestion), arXiv
Honeycomb supersolid -- Dirac points and shear-instability induced crystal transitions
P Blair Blakie, Physical Review Letters 134, 013401 (2025), arXiv
Absence of breakdown of ferrodark solitons exhibiting snake instability
Xiaoquan Yu and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A (Letter) 110, L061303 (2024), arXiv
Thermal Decay of Planar Jones-Roberts Solitons
Nils Krause, Ashton Bradley, Physical Review A 110, 053302 (2024), arXiv
Excitations of a two-dimensional supersolid
Elena Poli, Danny Baillie, Francesca Ferlaino, and P. Blair Blakie, Physical Review A 110, 023320 (2024), arXiv
Excitations of a binary supersolid
W. Kirkby, Au-Chen Lee, D. Baillie, T. Bland, F. Ferlaino, P. B. Blakie, and R. N. Bisset, Physical Review Letters 133, 103401 (2024) (Editor's Suggestion), arXiv
Sounds waves and fluctuations in one-dimensional supersolids
L. M. Platt, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 110, 023320 (2024), arXiv
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in a ferromagnetic superfluid: effects of axial magnetization
Andrew P. C. Underwood, Andrew J. Groszek, Xiaoquan Yu, P. B. Blakie, and L. A. Williamson, Physical Review A 110, 013311 (2024), arXiv
Superfluid fraction tensor of a two-dimensional supersolid
P. B. Blakie, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 57, 115301 (2024) - {Focus Issue on the Centenary of Bose Statistics}, arXiv
Measurement of the excitation spectrum of a dipolar gas in the macrodroplet regime
J.J.A. Houwman, D. Baillie, P.B. Blakie, G. Natale, F. Ferlaino, and M.J. Mark, Physical Review Letters 132, 103401 (2024), arXiv
Excitations and phase ordering of the spin-stripe phase of a binary dipolar condensate
Au-Chen Lee, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 109, 023323 (2024), arXiv
Two-dimensional supersolidity in a planar dipolar Bose gas
B. T. E. Ripley, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 108, 053321 (2023), arXiv
Magnetic atoms push interactions to new lengths for quantum simulations
P. Blair Blakie and Barbara Capogrosso-Sansone,
Nature: News and Views, Oct. 2023
Compressibility and speeds of sound across the superfluid to supersolid phase transition of an elongated dipolar gas
P. B. Blakie, L. Chomaz, D. Baillie, and F. Ferlaino
Physical Review Research 5, 033161 (2023), arXiv
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in a ferromagnetic superfluid
Andrew P. C. Underwood, Andrew J. Groszek, Xiaoquan Yu, P. B. Blakie, and L. A. Williamson, Physical Review Research (Letter) 5, L012045 (2023), arXiv
Mutual friction and diffusion of two-dimensional quantum vortices
Zain Mehdi, Joseph J. Hope, Stuart S. Szigeti, Ashton S. Bradley,
Physical Review Research 5, 013184 (2023), arXiv
Vortex generation in stirred binary Bose-Einstein condensates
Anacé N. da Silva, R. Kishor Kumar, Ashton S. Bradley, Lauro Tomio, Physical Review A 107, 033314 (2023), arXiv
Supersolidity and crystallization of a dipolar Bose gas in an infinite tube
Joseph C. Smith, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 107, 033301 (2023), arXiv
Axial Collective Mode of a Dipolar Quantum Droplet
P. B. Blakie, Photonics 2023, 10, 393 (2023) arXiv
Scaling dynamics of the ultra-cold Bose gas
Ashton S. Bradley, Jordan Clarke, Tyler W. Neely, Brian P Anderson, Physical Review A 106, 053316 (2022), arXiv
Spectral analysis for compressible quantum fluids,
Ashton S. Bradley, R. Kishor Kumar, Sukla Pal, Xiaoquan Yu, Physical Review A, 106, 043322 (2022), arXiv
Stability of a flattened dipolar binary condensate: emergence of the spin roton
Au-Chen Lee, D. Baillie, P. B. Blakie, Physical Review Research 4, 033153 (2022) arXiv
Core structure of static ferrodark solitons in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate
Xiaoquan Yu and P. Blair Blakie, Physical Review Research 4, 033056 (2022) arXiv
Propagating Ferrodark Solitons in a Superfluid: Exact Solutions and Anomalous Dynamics,
Xiaoquan Yu and P. B. Blakie Physical Review Letters 128, 125301 (2022) arXiv
Turbulent relaxation to equilibrium in a two-dimensional quantum vortex gas,
Matthew T. Reeves, Kwan Goddard-Lee, Guillaume Gauthier, Oliver R. Stockdale, Hayder Salman, Timothy Edmonds, Xiaoquan Yu, Ashton S. Bradley, Mark Baker, Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Matthew J. Davis, Tyler W. Neely, Physical Review X 12, 011031 (2022) arXiv
Two types of dark solitons in a spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas,
Antonio Muñoz Mateo and Xiaoquan Yu, Physical Review A (Letter) 105, L021301 (2022) arXiv
Infinite dipolar droplet -- a simple theory for the macro-droplet regimes,
Sukla Pal, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 105, 023308 (2022) arXiv
Bogoliubov theory of a Bose-Einstein condensate of rigid rotor molecules,
Joseph C. Smith, Seth T. Rittenhouse, Ryan M. Wilson, and Brandon M. Peden,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54 205302 (2012) arXiv
Approximate theories for binary magnetic quantum droplets,
Joseph C. Smith, P. B. Blakie, D. Baillie,
Physical Review A 104, 053316 (2021), arXiv
Superflow decay in a toroidal Bose gas: The effect of quantum and thermal fluctuations,
Zain Mehdi, Ashton S. Bradley, Joseph J. Hope, Stuart S. Szigeti, SciPost Physics, 11, 080 (2021), arXiv
High-energy Bragg scattering measurements of a dipolar supersolid,
D. Petter, A. Patscheider, G. Natale, M. J. Mark, M. A. Baranov, R. v. Bijnen, S. M. Roccuzzo, A. Recati, B. Blakie, D. Baillie, L. Chomaz, and F. Ferlaino
Physical Review A (Letter) 104, L011302 (2021), arXiv
Miscibility and stability of dipolar bosonic mixtures,
Au-Chen Lee, D. Baillie, P. B. Blakie, and R. N. Bisset
Physical Review A 103, 063301 (2021), arXiv
Dark soliton-like magnetic domain walls in a two-dimensional ferromagnetic superfluid,
Xiaoquan Yu and P. B. Blakie
Physical Review Research 3, 023043 (2021), arXiv
Numerical calculation of dipolar quantum droplet stationary states,
Au-Chen Lee, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blakie
Physical Review Research 3, 013283 (2021), arXiv
A damped point-vortex model for polar-core spin vortices in a ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate,
Lewis A. Williamson and P. B. Blakie
Physical Review Research 3, 013154 (2021), arXiv
Quantum droplet states of a binary magnetic gas,
Joseph C. Smith, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blakie,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 025302 (2021), arXiv
Neutral vortex necklace in a trapped planar superfluid,
M. M. Cawte, M. T. Reeves, and A. S. Bradley, J. Low Temp. Phys. 202, 310–328 (2021), arXiv
Steady states, squeezing, and entanglement in intracavity triplet down conversion,
Mathew D. E. Denys, Murray K. Olsen, Luke S. Trainor, Harald G. L. Schwefel, and Ashton S. Bradley, Optics Communications 484, 126699 (2021), arXiv
Supersolid phase of extended Bose-Hubbard model with artificial gauge field,
K. Suthar, Hrushikesh Sable, Rukmani Bai, Soumik Bandyopadhyay, Sukla Pal and D. Angom,
Phys. Rev. A 102 013320 (2020), arXiv
FACt: FORTRAN toolbox for calculating fluctuations in atomic condensates,
Arko Roy, Sukla Pal, S. Gautam, D. Angom and P. Muruganandam,
Computer Physics Communications (Elsevier) (2020), arXiv
Faraday waves and droplets in quasi-one-dimensional Bose gases,
L. Tomio, A. Gammal, F. K. Abdullaev, and R. K. Kumar
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1508 (1), 012007 (2020)
Mass-imbalanced Bose-Einstein condensed mixtures in rotating perturbed trap,
R. Kishor Kumar, A. Gammal, and Lauro Tomio
Phys. Lett. A 384, 126535 (2020),arxiv
Dipolar condensed atomic mixtures and miscibility under rotation,
L. Tomio, R. K. Kumar, and A. Gammal
SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 023 (2020),arxiv
Supersolidity in an elongated dipolar condensate,
P. B. Blakie, D. Baillie, L. Chomaz, and F. Ferlaino, Physical Review Research 2, 043318 (2020) arXiv
Excitations and number fluctuations in an elongated dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate,
Sukla Pal, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blakie Physical Review A 102, 043306 (2020) arXiv
Properties of a nematic spin vortex in an antiferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate,
Andrew P. C. Underwood, D. Baillie, P. Blair Blakie, and H. Takeuchi, Physical Review A 102, 023326 (2020) arXiv
Variational theory for the ground state and collective excitations of an elongated dipolar condensate,
P. Blair Blakie, D. Baillie, and Sukla Pal, Communications in Theoretical Physics 72, 085501 (2020) arXiv
Rotational tuning of the dipole-dipole interaction in a Bose gas of magnetic atoms,
D. Baillie, and P. Blair Blakie, Physical Review A 101, 043606 (2020) (Editor's Suggestion) arXiv
Dynamics of Hot Bose-Einstein Condensates: stochastic Ehrenfest relations for number and energy damping,
Rob G. McDonald, Peter S. Barnett, Fradom Atayee, Ashton S. Bradley, SciPost Phys. 8, 029 (2020), arXiv
Analytic solutions for the spatial character and coherence properties of light scattered from two dipole-coupled atoms,
Petra Fersterer, R. J. Ballagh Physical Review A 101, 013431 (2020) arXiv
Quantum phases of canted dipolar bosons in a two-dimensional square optical lattice,
Soumik Bandyopadhyay, Rukmani Bai, Sukla Pal, K. Suthar, Rejish Nath and D. Angom,
Phys. Rev. A 100 053623 (2019), arXiv
Enhancement of the Bose glass phase in the presence of an artificial gauge field,
Sukla Pal, Rukmani Bai, Soumik Bandyopadhyay, K. Suthar, and D.Angom,
Phys. Rev. A 99 053610 (2019), arXiv
Quantum phases of tilted dipolar bosons in two-dimensional optical lattice,
Soumik Bandyopadhyay, Rukmani Bai, Sukla Pal, K. Suthar, Rejish Nath, and D. Angom,
Physical Review A 100, 053623 (2019) arXiv
Coherent vortex dynamics in a strongly-interacting superfluid on a silicon chip,
Yauhen P. Sachkou, Christopher G. Baker, Glen I. Harris, Oliver R. Stockdale, Stefan Forstner, Matthew T. Reeves, Xin He, David L. McAuslan, Ashton S. Bradley, Matthew J. Davis, Warwick P. Bowen, Science 366,1480 (2019) arXiv
Dynamics of an itinerant spin-3 atomic dipolar gas in an optical lattice,
Petra Fersterer, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Bihui Zhu, Lucas Gabardos, Steven Lepoutre, L. Vernac, B. Laburthe-Tolra, P. Blair Blakie, and Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review A 100, 033609 (2019) (Editor's Suggestion) arXiv
Violation of single-length scaling dynamics via spin vortices in an isolated spin-1 Bose gas,
C.-M. Schmied, T. Gasenzer, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 100, 033603 (2019) arXiv
Anomalous phase ordering of a quenched ferromagnetic superfluid,
L. A. Williamson and P. B. Blakie, SciPost Physics 7, 29 (2019) arXiv
Static-response theory and the roton-maxon spectrum of a flattened dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate,
R. N. Bisset, P. B. Blakie, and S. Stringari, Physical Review A 100, 013620 (2019) (Editor's Selection) arXiv
Giant vortex clusters in a two-dimensional quantum fluid,
Guillaume Gauthier, Matthew T. Reeves, Xiaoquan Yu, Ashton S. Bradley, Mark Baker, Thomas A. Bell, Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Matthew J. Davis, Tyler W. Neely, Science 364, 12664 (2019) arXiv
Thermally-robust spin correlations between two atoms,
Pimonpan Sompet, Stuart S. Szigeti, Eyal Schwartz, Ashton S. Bradley, Mikkel F. Andersen, Nature Communications 10, 1889 (2019) arXiv
Snell's Law for a vortex dipole in a Bose-Einstein condensate,
Michael M. Cawte, Xiaoquan Yu, Brian P. Anderson, Ashton S. Bradley, SciPost Phys. 6, 032 (2019) (Editor's Selection) arXiv
Excitations of a vortex line in an elongated dipolar condensate,
Au-Chen Lee, D. Baillie, R. N. Bisset, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 98, 063620 (2018) arXiv
Dynamics of a quenched spin-1 antiferromagnetic condensate in a harmonic trap,
L. M. Symes, D. Baillie, P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 98, 063618 (2018) arXiv
Droplet crystal ground states of a dipolar Bose gas,
D. Baillie and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review Letters 121, 195301 (2018) arXiv
Mesoscopic dynamical differences from quantum state preparation in a Bose-Hubbard trimer,
M.K. Olsen, T.W. Neely, A.S. Bradley, Physical Review Letters 120, 230406 (2018) arXiv
Quantum correlations across two octaves from combined up and down conversion,
Jingyan Li, M.K. Olsen, Physical Review A 97, 043856 (2018) arXiv
Third-harmonic entanglement and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering over a frequency range of more than an octave,
M. K. Olsen, Physical Review A 97, 033820 (2018)
Controlled Asymmetry of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering with an Injected
Nondegenerate Optical Parametric Oscillator,
M. K. Olsen, Physical Review Letters 119, 160501 (2017)
Entanglement and asymmetric steering over two octaves of frequency difference,
M. K. Olsen, Physical Review A 96, 063839 (2017)
Coarsening dynamics of an isotropic ferromagnetic superfluid,
Lewis A. Williamson, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review Letters 119, 255301 (2017) arXiv
Collective excitations of self-bound droplets of a dipolar quantum fluid,
D. Baillie, R. M. Wilson, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review Letters 119, 255302 (2017) arXiv
Enstrophy Cascade in Decaying Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence,
M. T. Reeves, T. P. Billam, X. Yu, A. S. Bradley,Physical Review Letters 119, 184502 (2017) arXiv
Emergent Non-Eulerian Hydrodynamics of Quantum Vortices in Two Dimensions,
X. Yu, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review Letters 119, 185301 (2017) arXiv
Domain percolation in a quenched ferromagnetic spinor condensate,
Nanako Shitara, Shreya Bir, and P. Blair Blakie,New Journal of Physics 19, 095003 (2017) arXiv
Nematic ordering dynamics of an anti-ferromagnetic spin-1 condensate,
Luke Symes and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 96, 013602 (2017) arXiv
A quantum correlated twin atom laser from a Bose-Hubbard system,
M. K. Olsen, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 95, 063607 (2017) arXiv
Different growth rates for spin and superfluid order in a quenched spinor condensate,
Andréane Bourges and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 95, 023616 (2017) arXiv
Solving the spin-2 Gross-Pitaevskii equation using exact nonlinear dynamics and symplectic composition,
L. M. Symes and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review E 95, 013311 (2017) arXiv
Vortex lines attached to dark solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates and boson-vortex duality in 3+1 dimensions,
A. Muñoz Mateo, Xiaoquan Yu, and Jun Nian, Physical Review A 94, 063623 (2016) arXiv
Dynamics of polar-core spin vortices in a ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate,
Lewis A. Williamson and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 94, 063615 (2016) arXiv
Ground state phase diagram of a dipolar condensate with quantum fluctuations,
R. N. Bisset, R. M. Wilson, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blake, Physical Review A 94, 033619 (2016) arXiv
Self-bound dipolar droplet: a localized matter-wave in free space,
D. Baillie, R. M. Wilson, R. N. Bisset, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A (Rapid Communication) 94, 021602(R) (2016),
arXiv (Editor's Suggestion)
Coarsening and thermalisation properties of a quenched ferromagnetic spin-1 condensate,
Lewis A. Williamson and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 94, 023608 (2016) arXiv
Theory of the vortex-clustering transition in a confined two-dimensional quantum fluid,
Xiaoquan Yu, Thomas P. Billam, Jun Nian, Matthew T. Reeves, Ashton S. Bradley, Physical Review A 94, 023602 (2016) arXiv
Multiple scattering dynamics of fermions at an isolated p-wave resonance,
R. Thomas, K. O. Roberts, E. Tiesinga, A. C. J. Wade, P. B. Blakie, A. B. Deb & N. Kjærgaard, Nature Communications 7, 12069 (2016)
Brownian motion of a matter-wave bright soliton moving through a thermal cloud of distinct atoms,
R. G. McDonald and A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 93 , 063604 (2016) arXiv
Reservoir interactions of a vortex in a trapped 3D Bose-Einstein condensate,
S. J. Rooney, A. J. Allen, U. Zülicke, N. P. Proukakis, A. S. Bradley,
Physical Review A 93, 063603 (2016) arXiv
Efficient and accurate methods for solving the time-dependent spin-1 Gross-Pitaevskii equation,
L. M. Symes, R. I. McLachlan, P. B. Blakie, Physical Review E 93, 053309 (2016) arXiv
Properties of a dipolar condensate with three-body interactions,
P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 93, 033644 (2016) arXiv
Spin-dependent Bragg spectroscopy of a spinor Bose gas,
D. Baillie and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 93, 033607 (2016) arXiv
Universal coarsening dynamics of a quenched ferromagnetic spin-1 condensate,
Lewis A. Williamson and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review Letters 116, 025301 (2016) arXiv
Crystallisation of a dilute atomic dipolar condensate,
R. N. Bisset and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A (Rapid Communication) 92, 061603 (2015) arXiv
Calorimetry of a harmonically trapped Bose gas,
S. K. Ruddell, D. H. White, A. Ullah, D. Baillie, and M. D. Hoogerland, Physical Review A 92, 063622 (2015) arXiv
Low-Dimensional Stochastic Projected Gross-Pitaevskii Equation,
A. S. Bradley, S. J. Rooney, R. G. McDonald, Physical Review A 92, 033631 (2015),
Reservoir interactions during Bose-Einstein condensation: modified critical scaling in the Kibble-Zurek mechanism of defect formation,
R. G. McDonald, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 92, 033616 (2015) arXiv (Editor's Suggestion)
Coherence and linewidth of a continuously pumped atom laser at finite temperature,
Geoffrey M. Lee, Simon A. Haine, Ashton S. Bradley, Matthew J. Davis, Physical Review A 92, 013605 (2015) arXiv
Quantum ultra-cold atomtronics,
M. K. Olsen and A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 91, 043635 (2015) arXiv
Identifying a superfluid Reynolds number via dynamical similarity,
M. T. Reeves, T. P. Billam, B. P. Anderson, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review Letters 114, 155302 (2015) arXiv (Editor's Suggestion)
A general theory of flattened dipolar condensates,
D. Baillie and P. B. Blakie, New Journal of Physics 17, 033028 (2015)
Oscillons in coupled Bose-Einstein condensates,
Shih-Wei Su, Shih-Chuan Gou, I-Kang Liu, Ashton S. Bradley, Oleksandr Fialko, Joachim Brand, Physical Review A 91, 023631 (2015)
Spectral energy transport in two-dimensional quantum vortex dynamics,
T. P. Billam, M. T. Reeves, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 91, 023615 (2015) (Editor's Suggestion)
Stability of a trapped dipolar quantum gas,
D. Baillie, R. N. Bisset and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 91, 013613 (2015)
Number Fluctuations of a Dipolar Condensate: Anisotropy and Slow Approach to the Thermodynamic Regime,
D. Baillie, R. N. Bisset, C. Ticknor and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review Letters 113, 265301 (2014)
Fluctuations of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates,
L. M. Symes, D. Baillie and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 90, 053616 (2014)
Thermally activated local collapse of a flattened dipolar condensate,
E. B. Linscott and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 90, 053605 (2014) (Editor's Suggestion)
Stochastic Projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation for spinor and multi-component condensates,
Ashton S. Bradley and P. Blair Blakie, Physical Review A 90, 023631 (2014)
Signatures of Coherent Vortex Structures in a Disordered 2D Quantum Fluid,
Matthew T. Reeves, Thomas P. Billam, Brian P. Anderson, and Ashton S. Bradley, Physical Review A 89, 053631 (2014)
Static structure factors for a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate,
L. M. Symes, D. Baillie, P. B. Blakie, Physics Review A 89, 053628 (2014)
Dynamic and Energetic Stabilization of Persistent Currents in Bose-Einstein Condensates,
K.J.H. Law, T.W. Neely, P.G. Kevrekidis, B.P. Anderson, and A.S. Bradley, R. Carretero-Gonzalez, Physical Review A 89, 053606 (2014)
Onsager-Kraichnan Condensation in Decaying Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence,
Thomas P. Billam, Matthew T. Reeves, Brian P. Anderson, and Ashton S. Bradley, Physical Review Letters 112, 145301 (2014)
Splitting bright matter-wave solitons on narrow potential barriers: quantum to classical transition and applications to interferometry,
J. L. Helm, S. J. Rooney, Christoph Weiss, and S. A. Gardiner, Physical Review A 89, 033610 (2014)
Numerical method for the stochastic projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation,
S. J. Rooney, P. B. Blakie, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review E 89, 013302 (2014)
Finite resolution fluctuation measurements of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate,
R. N. Bisset, C. Ticknor and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 88', 063624 (2013)
Table-top cosmology with Bose-Einstein condensates,
P.B. Blakie and F. Beyer, Expert Opinion: Annalen der Physik Special Issue: Quantum Simulations
Persistent current formation in a high-temperature Bose-Einstein condensate:
an experimental test for classical field theory,
S. J. Rooney, T. W. Neely, B. P. Anderson, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 88, 063620 (2013)
Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence in a Compressible Superfluid,
T. W. Neely, A. S. Bradley, E. C. Samson, S. J. Rooney, E. M. Wright, K. J. H. Law, R. Carretero-González, P. G. Kevrekidis, M. J. Davis, B. P. Anderson, Physical Review Letters 111, 235301 (2013)
Roton excitations in a trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate,
R. N. Bisset, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 88, 043606 (2013)
Fingerprinting rotons in a dipolar condensate:
Super-Poissonian peak in the atom-number fluctuations,
R. N. Bisset and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review Letters 110, 265302 (2013)
Depletion and fluctuations of a trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in the roton regime,
P. B. Blakie, D. Baillie, and R. N. Bisset, Physical Review A 88, 013638 (2013)
Kibble-Zurek scaling and its breakdown for spontaneous generation of Josephson vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates, Shih-Wei Su, Shih-Chuan Gou, Ashton Bradley, Oleksandr Fialko, Joachim Brand, Physical Review Letters 110, 215302 (2013)
Controlled formation and reflection of a bright solitary matter-wave,
A. L. Merchant, T. P. Billam, T. P. Wiles, M. M. H. Yu, S. A. Gardiner, and S. L. Cornish,
Nature Communications 4, 1865 (2013)
Second-order number-conserving description of nonequilibrium dynamics in finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensates, T. P. Billam, P. Mason, S. A. Gardiner, Physical Review A 87, 033628 (2013)
Inverse Energy Cascade in Forced 2D Quantum Turbulence,
Matthew T. Reeves, Thomas P. Billam, Brian P. Anderson, Ashton S. Bradley,
Physical Review Letters 110, 104501 (2013)
Equilibrium solutions for immiscible two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in perturbed harmonic traps,
R. W. Pattinson, T. P. Billam, S. A. Gardiner, D. J. McCarron, H. W. Cho, S. L. Cornish, N. G. Parker, N. P. Proukakis,
Physical Review A 87,013625 (2013)
Stochastic projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation,
S. J. Rooney, P. B. Blakie, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 86, 053634 (2012)
Stability and structure of an anisotropically trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate: angular and linear rotons,
A. D. Martin, P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 86, 053623 (2012)
Classical and quantum regimes of two-dimensional turbulence in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates,
M. T. Reeves, B. P. Anderson, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 86, 053621 (2012)
A local exchange theory for trapped dipolar gases,
D. Baillie, P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 86, 041603(R) (2012)
Energy spectra of vortex distributions in two-dimensional quantum turbulence,
A. S. Bradley and B. P. Anderson, Physical Review X 2, 041001 (2012)
Stochastic longevity of a dark soliton in a finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensate,
K. J. Wright and A. S. Bradley, arXiv preprint
The finite temperature trapped dipolar Bose gas,
R. N. Bisset, D. Baillie, P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 86, 033609 (2012)
Scattering bright solitons: Quantum versus mean-field behaviour,
B. Gertjerenken, T. P. Billam, L. Khaykovich, C. Weiss, Physical Review A 86,033608 (2012)
Roton spectroscopy in a harmonically trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate,
P. B. Blakie, D. Baillie, R. N. Bisset, Physical Review A 86, 021604(R) (2012)
Magnetostriction and exchange effects in trapped dipolar Bose and Fermi gases,
D. Baillie, P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 86, 023605 (2012)
Finite temperature phase diagram of a spin-1 Bose gas,
Yuki Kawaguchi, Nguyen Thanh Phuc, and P. Blair Blakie, Physical Review A 85, 053611 (2012)
Quantum dynamics of atomic bright solitons under splitting and re-collision, and implications for interferometry,
A. D. Martin, J. Ruostekoski, New Journal of Physics 14, 043040 (2012) arXiv
Yang-Yang thermometry and momentum distribution of a trapped one-dimensional Bose gas,
M. J. Davis, P. B. Blakie, A. H. van Amerongen, N. J. van Druten, and K. V. Kheruntsyan, Physical Review A 85, 031604(R) (2012)
Quantum tunneling of a vortex between two pinning potentials,
O. Fialko, A. S. Bradley, and J. Brand, Physical Review Letters 108, 015301 (2012)
Suppression of Kelvon-induced decay of quantized vortices in oblate Bose-Einstein Condensates,
S. J. Rooney, P. B. Blakie, B. P. Anderson, and A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 84, 023637 (2011)
Direct simulation Monte Carlo method for cold atom dynamics: classical Boltzmann equation in the quantum collision regime,
A. C. J. Wade, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 84, 023612 (2011)
Finite temperature stability of a trapped dipolar Bose gas,
R. N. Bisset, D. Baillie, and P.B. Blakie, Physical Review A 83, 061602(R) (2011)
Thermally induced coherence in a Mott insulator of bosonic atoms,
E. Toth and P.B. Blakie, Physical Review. A 83, 021601(R) (2011)
Analysis of a continuous-variable quadripartite cluster state from a single optical parametric oscillator,
S. L. W. Midgley, M. K. Olsen, A. S. Bradley, and O. Pfister, Physical Review A 82, 053826 (2010)
Thermodynamics and coherence of a trapped dipolar Fermi gas,
D. Baillie and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 82, 033605 (2010)
Geometric scale invariance as a route to macroscopic degeneracy: Loading a toroidal trap with a Bose or Fermi gas,
D. Baillie, P. B. Blakie, and A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 82, 013626 (2010)
Temporal coherence, anomalous moments, and pairing correlations in the classical-field description of a degenerate Bose gas,
T. M. Wright, P. B. Blakie, and R. J. Ballagh, Physical Review A 82, 013621 (2010)
Quadripartite continuous-variable entanglement via quadruply concurrent downconversion,
S. L. W. Midgley, A. S. Bradley, O. Pfister and M. K. Olsen, Physical Review A 81, 063834 (2010)
Observation of vortex dipoles in an oblate Bose-Einstein condensate,
T. W. Neely, E. C. Samson, A. S. Bradley, M. J. Davis, and B. P. Anderson, Physical Review Letters 104, 160401 (2010)
Vortex pairing in two-dimensional Bose gases,
C. J. Foster, P. B. Blakie, and M. J. Davis, Physical Review A 81, 023623 (2010)
Decay of a quantum vortex: Test of nonequilibrium theories for warm Bose-Einstein condensates,
S. J. Rooney, A. S. Bradley, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 81, 023630 (2010)
Nonequilibrium dynamics of vortex arrest in a finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensate,
T. M. Wright, A. S. Bradley, and R. J. Ballagh, Physical Review A 81, 013610 (2010)
Critical temperature of a Bose gas in an optical lattice,
D. Baillie and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 80, 031603(R) (2009)
Finite-temperature theory of superfluid bosons in optical lattices,
D. Baillie and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 80, 033620 (2009)
Quantitative test of the mean-field description of a trapped two-dimensional Bose gas,
R. N. Bisset and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 80, 045603 (2009)
Transition region properties of a trapped quasi-two-dimensional degenerate Bose gas,
R. N. Bisset and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 80, 035602 (2009)
Finite-temperature dynamics of a single vortex in a Bose-Einstein condensate: Equilibrium precession and rotational symmetry breaking,
T. M. Wright, A. S. Bradley, and R. J. Ballagh, Physical Review A 80, 053624 (2009)
Numerical representation of quantum states in the positive-P and Wigner representations,
M. K. Olsen, A. S. Bradley, Optics Communications 282, 3924 (2009)
Numerical method for evolving the dipolar projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation,
P. B. Blakie, C. Ticknor, A. S. Bradley, A. M. Martin, M. J. Davis, and Y. Kawaguchi, Physical Review E 80, 016703 (2009)
Scale-invariant thermodynamics of a toroidally trapped Bose gas,
A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 79, 033624 (2009)
Superfluid to Mott insulator quantum phase transition in a 2D permanent magnetic lattice,
Saeed Ghanbari, P. Blair Blakie, Peter Hannaford and Tien D. Kieu, European Journal of Physics B 70, 305 (2009)
Adiabatic cooling of a tunable Bose-Fermi mixture in an optical lattice,
O. Soe Sorensen, N. Nygaard, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 79, 063615 (2009)
Statistical mechanics of a Feshbach coupled Bose-Fermi gas in an optical lattice,
O. Soe Sorensen, N. Nygaard, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 79, 053601 (2009)
Quasi-condensation and coherence in the quasi-two-dimensional trapped Bose gas,
R.N. Bisset, M.J. Davis, T.P. Simula, and P.B. Blakie, Physical Review A 79, 033626 (2009)
Critical properties of a trapped interacting Bose gas,
A. Bezett and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 79, 033611 (2009)
Projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation theory of finite-temperature collective modes for a trapped Bose gas,
A. Bezett and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 79, 023602 (2009)
Analysis of the Holzmann-Chevallier-Krauth theory for the trapped quasi-two-dimensional Bose gas,
R. N. Bisset, D. Baillie, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 79, 013602 (2009)
Dynamical thermalization and vortex formation in stirred two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates,
T. M. Wright, R. J. Ballagh, A. S. Bradley, P. B. Blakie, C. W. Gardiner, Physical Review A 79, 033624 (2008)
Dynamics and statistical mechanics of ultra-cold Bose gases using c-field techniques,
P. B. Blakie, A. S. Bradley, M. J. Davis, R. J. Ballagh, and C. W. Gardiner, Advances in Phyiscs 57, 363 (2008)
Spontaneous vortices in the formation of Bose-Einstein condensates,
C. N. Weiler, T. W. Neely, D. R. Scherer, A. S. Bradley, M. J. Davis, and B. P. Anderson, Nature 455, 948 (2008)
From squeezed atom lasers to teleportation of massive particles,
M. K. Olsen, S. A. Haine, A. S. Bradley, and J. J. Hope, European Physics Journal Special Topics 160, 331 (2008)
Bose-Einstein condensation from a rotating thermal cloud: Vortex nucleation and lattice formation,
A. S. Bradley, C. W. Gardiner, and M. J. Davis, Physical Review A 77, 033616 (2008)
Bright bichromatic entanglement and quantum dynamics of sum frequency generation,
M. K. Olsen, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 77, 023813 (2008)
Numerical method for evolving the projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation,
P. Blair Blakie, Physical Review E 78, 026704 (2008)
Theory of correlations between ultracold bosons released from an optical lattice,
E. Toth, A. M. Rey, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 78, 013627 (2008)
Superfluidity of an interacting trapped quasi-2D Bose gas,
T. P. Simula, M. J. Davis and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 77, 023618 (2008)
Dynamical instabilities of Bose-Einstein condensates at the band-edge in one-dimensional optical lattices,
Andrew J. Ferris, Matthew J. Davis, Reece W. Geursen, P. Blair Blakie and Andrew C. Wilson, Physical Review A 77, 012712 (2008)
Two point correlations of a trapped interacting Bose gas at finite temperature,
A. Bezett, E. Toth and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 77, 023602 (2008)
Bose-Einstein condensation in an optical lattice,
P. B. Blakie and Wen-Xin Wang, Physical Review A 76, 053620 (2007)
Quantum statistical measurements of an atom laser beam,
M. K. Olsen, A. S. Bradley, S. A. Haine, J. J. Hope, Nuclear Physics A 790 733 (2007)
Continuous variable tripartite entanglement and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations from triple nonlinearities,
M. K. Olsen, A. S. Bradley, M. D. Reid, Optics and Spectroscopy 103, 195 (2007)
Tripartite entanglement and threshold properties of coupled intracavity down-conversion and sum-frequency generation,
C. Pennarun, A. S. Bradley, and M. K. Olsen, Physical Review A 76, 063812 (2007)
Raman scheme to measure the quantum statistics of an atom laser beam,
A. S. Bradley, M. K. Olsen, S. A. Haine, and J. J. Hope, Physical Review A 76, 033603 (2007)
Quantum de Laval nozzle: Stability and quantum dynamics of sonic horizons in a toroidally trapped Bose gas containing a superflow,
P. Jain, A. S. Bradley, and C. W. Gardiner, Physical Review A 76, 023617 (2007)
Calorimetry of Bose-Einstein condensates,
P. B. Blakie, E. Toth, and M. J. Davis, Journal of Physics B 40, 3273 (2007)
Mean-field phase diagram of cold lattice bosons in disordered potentials,
P. Buonsante, V. Penna, A. Vezzani, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 76, 011602(R) (2007)
Degenerate Fermi gas in a combined harmonic-lattice potential,
P. B. Blakie, A. Bezett, and P. Buonsante, Physical Review A 75, 063609 (2007)
Classical region of a trapped Bose gas,
P. B. Blakie and M. J. Davis, Journal of Physics B 40, 2043 (2007)
Quantum depletion of collapsing Bose-Einstein condensates,
S. Wuester, B. J. Dabrowska-Wuester, A. S. Bradley, M. J. Davis, P. B. Blakie, J. J. Hope, and C. M. Savage,
Physical Review A 75, 043611 (2007)
Thermodynamics of quantum degenerate gases in optical lattices,
P. B. Blakie, A.-M. Rey, A. Bezett, Laser Physics 17, 198 (2007), ArXiv preprint
Phase transitions in ultra-cold two-dimensional Bose gases,
David A. W. Hutchinson and P. B. Blakie, International Journal of Modern Physics B 20, 5224 (2006) arXiv
Raman Spectroscopy of Mott insulator states in optical lattices,
P. B. Blakie, New Journal of Physics 8, 157 (2006)
Finite Temperature Treatment of Ultracold Atoms in a 1-D Optical Lattice,
B. G. Wild, P. B. Blakie, and D. A. W. Hutchinson, Physical Review A 73, 023604 (2006)
Asymmetric polychromatic tripartite entanglement from interlinked parametric interactions,
M. K. Olsen, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 74, 063809 (2006)
Three-body recombination of ultracold Bose gases using the truncated Wigner method,
A. A. Norrie, R. J. Ballagh, C. W. Gardiner, A. S. Bradley, Physical Review A 73, 043618 (2006)
Continuous variable tripartite entanglement and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations from triple nonlinearities,
M. K. Olsen, A. S. Bradley, and M. D. Reid, Journal of Physics B 39, 2515 (2006)
Continuous variable tripartite entanglement from twin nonlinearities,
M. K. Olsen, A. S. Bradley, Journal of Physics B 39, 127 (2006)
Critical temperature of a trapped Bose gas: comparison of theory and experiment,
Matthew J. Davis and P. Blair Blakie, Physical Review Letters 96, 060404 (2006)
Thermal activation of vortex-antivortex pairs in quasi-2D Bose-Einstein condensates,
T.P. Simula and P. Blair Blakie, Physical Review Letters 96, 020404 (2006)
Projected Gross-Pitaevskii Equation for harmonically confined Bose gases at finite temperature,
P. Blair Blakie and Matthew J. Davis, Physical Review A 72, 063608 (2005)
Calculation of the microcanonical temperature for the classical Bose field,
Matthew J. Davis and P. Blair Blakie, Journal of Physics A 38, 10259 (2005)
Bright tripartite entanglement in triply concurrent parametric oscillation,
A. S. Bradley, M. K. Olsen, O. Pfister, R. C. Pooser, Physical Review A 72, 053805 (2005)
Phase-space analysis of bosonic spontaneous emission,
M. K. Olsen, L. I. Plimak, S. Rebic, A. S. Bradley, Optics Communications 254, 271 (2005)
Properties of the stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation: Projected Ehrenfest relations and the optimal plane wave basis,
A. S. Bradley, P. B. Blakie, and C. W. Gardiner, Journal of Physics B 38, 4259 (2005)
Bragg Spectroscopy of ultracold atoms loaded in an optical lattice,
Ana Maria Rey, P. Blair Blakie, Guido Pupillo, Carl J. Williams, and Charles W. Clark, Physical Review A 72, 023407 (2005)
Adiabatic cooling of Fermions in an optical lattice,
P. B. Blakie and A. Bezett, Physical Review A 71, 033616 (2005)
Wannier states and Bose-Hubbard parameters for 2D optical lattices,
P.B. Blakie and C.W. Clark, Journal of Physics B 37, 1391 (2004)
Fock-state dynamics in Raman photoassociation of Bose-Einstein condensates,
M. K. Olsen, A. S. Bradley, and S. B. Cavalcanti, Physical Review A 70, 033611 (2004)
Adiabatic loading of bosons into optical lattices,
P. B. Blakie and J. V. Porto, Physical Review A 69, 013603 (2004)
Output coupling from a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in a vortex state,
P.B. Blakie, R.J. Ballagh, and C.W. Clark, Physical Review A 68, 023601 (2003)
Steady state quantum statistics of a non-markovian atom laser. II,
A. S. Bradley, J. J. Hope, M. J. Collett, Physical Review A 68, 063611 (2003)
Dynamics of a period-3 pattern-loaded Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice,
A. M. Rey, P. B. Blakie, and Charles W. Clark, Physical Review A 67, 053610 (2003)
Decay and revival of phase coherence of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional lattice,
O. Morsch, J. H. Müller, D. Ciampini, M. Cristiani, P. B. Blakie, C. J. Williams, P. S. Julienne, and E. Arimondo, Physical Review A 67, 031603 (2003)
Theory of Ramsey spectroscopy and anomalous segregation in ultracold rubidium,
A. S. Bradley & C.W. Gardiner, Journal of Physics B 35, 4299 (2002)
Theory of coherent Bragg spectroscopy of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate,
P.B Blakie, R.J. Ballagh & C.W. Gardiner, Physical Review A 65, 033602 (2002)
Spatially selective Bragg scattering: a signature for vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates,
P. B. Blakie and R. J. Ballagh, Physical Review Letters 86, 3930 (2001)
Analysis of g2 for the cold collision frequency shift in the hydrogen condensate experiments,
C. W. Gardiner and A. S. Bradley, Journal of Physics B 34, 4663 (2001)
Theory of the cold collision frequency shift in 1S-2S spectroscopy of Bose-Einstein-condensed and non-condensed hydrogen,
C. W. Gardiner and A. S. Bradley, Journal of Physics B 34, 4637 (2001)
Three-dimensional vortex dynamics in Bose-Einstein condensates,
B. M. Caradoc-Davies, R. J. Ballagh, and P. B. Blakie, Physical Review A 62, 011602(R) (2000)
Mean-field treatment of Bragg scattering from a Bose-Einstein condensate
P.B. Blakie and R. J. Ballagh, Journal of Physics B 33, 3961 (2000)
Dressed states of a two component Bose-Einstein condensate,
P.B. Blakie, R.J. Ballagh and C.W. Gardiner, Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 1, 378 (1999)
2019 Rob McDonald, Anomalous Dissipation in Bose Gases: Analytic Theory of Energy Damping
2019 Luke Symes, Exact nonlinear dynamics of Spinor BECs applied to nematic quenches
2017 Lewis Williamson, Phase ordering dynamics in a ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate
2017 Matthew Reeves, Quantum Analogues of Two-Dimensional Classical Turbulence
2014 Sam Rooney, Implementation and Applications of the Stochastic Projected Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
2013 Danny Baillie, Theory of cold dipolar and toroidal gases
2013 Russell Bisset, Theoretical Study of the Trapped Dipolar Bose Gas in the Ultra-Cold Regime
2008 Alice Bezett, Applications of the PGPE Formalism to a Trapped Bose Gas
2021 Jordan Clarke, Expansion Dynamics of Vortices in Trapped Planar Bose-Einstein Condensates
2019 Michael Cawte, Snell’s Law and Necklace States for Vortex Dipoles in a Quantum Gas
2019 Au-Chen Lee, Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate with a Vortex
2015 Rob McDonald, C-Field Theory of Dynamics in One Dimensional Bose Gases: The Kibble-Zurek Mechanism and Bright Soliton Arrest
2014 Luke Symes, Fluctuations in Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensates
2013 Matthew Reeves, Inverse Energy Cascade in Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence
2012 Andrew Wade, Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method for Cold Atom Dynamics: Boltzmann Equation in the Quantum Collision Regime
2011 Samuel Rooney, C-field description of the quasi-equilibrium Bose gas: persistent currents and Kelvon-induced vortex decay
2009 Russell Bisset, C-Field and Mean-Field Treatments of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Harmonically Confined Bose Gas
2009 Danny Baillie, Finite-temperature theory of bosons in optical lattices
2018 Mathew Denys, Triplet Down Conversion using Optical Phase Space Methods
2017 Peter Barnett, Two-Time Correlations of an Energy-Damped Bose-Einstein Condensate
2016 Zaki Atayee, Kohn Mode Damping in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
2016 Michael Cawte, Vortex Dynamics and Spectra Fluctuations in a Superfluid Disk
2014 Steven Cromb, Stochastic Simulation of Spin-1 Bosons at Ultra-Cold Temperatures
2013 Edward Linscott, Non-Zero Temperature Theory for Ultra-Cold Dipolar Bose Gases
2013 Rob McDonald, Decay of Persistent Current in a Two-Dimensional Superfluid
2013 Serena Chen, Quantum Quenching in Two-Dimensional Spin-1 Bose Gases
2013 Malcolm Morrison, A Quantum Kuramoto Model
2011 Matthew Reeves, Two-Dimensional Quantum
Turbulence in Stirred Bose-Einstein Condensates
2010 Kyle Wright, Decay of a dark soliton in a warm Bose-Einstein condensate: a variational approach
2009 Samuel Rooney, Single Vortex Dynamics in High Temperature Bose-Einstein Condensates
2009 Andrew Wade, Simulating the Dynamics of a Thermal Cloud using Particle Methods
2007 Russell Bisset, Investigation of the Two-Dimensional Harmonically Confined Bose Gas